Lose Weight Before Summer – 2

Last post, I shared a great video to help you reach your weight loss goals.  Today I want to talk about one of the things that may be holding you back.  

I have found that there are a lot of women out there with under-active thyroid problems.  I have this condition myself, and so do some of my friends.  It makes it harder to lose weight.

 When I lost 48 pounds with the system I use, I was not taking thyroid meds, my doctor was astonished at my success.  I wonder how much I would have lost if I had been taking the meds.

How can you tell if you may have a thyroid problem?  Some of the symptoms are; feeling tiredextremely tired or exhausted much of the time and you may still have trouble sleeping as well, waking up tired no matter how long you slept, feeling cold when other people don’t, feeling mentally sluggish or unfocused, even forgetful, some people experience hair loss, dry skin and even sore joints or muscles.  If you have these symptoms it’s time to talk to your doctor.

Some things I do to help my thyroid to function better naturally are as follows.  I make sure that I take vitamins, I found that B vitamins and magnesium every day help me a lot.  Taking thyroid medicine works wonders.  

ww-febIn the February 27, 2017 edition of Woman’s World there is an article called Healthy thyroid = Healthy you.  They recommend taking daily doses of 5000 IU of vitamin A, 2,000 IU of vitamin D and 400 mcg folate to nourish your thyroid.  Don’t forget to keep your doctor in the loop.

They also recommended snacking on nuts and dried fruits which contain boron, zinc and copper.  Also don’t forget to get plenty of protein in your diet and make sure you spend a little time relaxing each day.

Watch for more tips when I post Part 3 of Lose weight before summer!  And if you want to join me in losing weight go to the contact page and send me a message!  






admin March 23, 2017 exercise, Health, Lifestyle, living better, Mindset