My newest book “Lucy And The Bear” is out!
I’m so excited, my second story in the “Lucy Lavender” series is now available in paper back at Amazon. I have written stories for as long as I can remember. It has always been my goal to get them published. I have imagined myself walking into the library and seeing my books on the shelves.
Now I have two books published on Amazon in paperback format, one you can get in Spanish or English. I also have those two plus one more published in kindle format. For the latest book you can Go to Amazon, just click Get Lucy and the Bear and you can order it in Paperback.
I would, of course, be delighted if you went out and bought one or all of my books! I would even be delighted if you went out to my author page Maryjanedriscoll4stories and like my page! You can also watch for contests and free offers of the kindle books there!
You might wonder why I sometimes give away my books free. Don’t authors write books so they can be rich? Or at least make money? Of course, that is something I would love to do, make money doing what I love. Who wouldn’t want that. So why give them away? Why do I write them anyway?
My coach recently asked me the same questions. Why do you write books, are you passionate about getting them published? What do you hope to accomplish? What message are you trying to get out? Wow tough questions Paul!
I had to do a lot of soul searching for the answers. In fact it took some more questions to really get to those answers. Questions that got to the very core of who I am, what I believe in and what I really want, not just for myself, for my children, my grandchildren and really all the children in the world.
You see, I always just thought I like to write stories for fun. I have always loved to read and ever since I can remember, I have wanted to be able to share the joy of a good story with other people. I wanted to let them have the same great feeling I have when I read a great story. But wait, there’s more! (Ha Ha love that line) Coach Paul continues asking questions, he is really good at that. Why? Why? Why? a little more detailed than that, of course.
So I found myself explaining that one of my favorite things is to read stories to children to watch their eyes light up and see the smiles and the giggles as I tell them a story. Especially when I used to tell my little ones stories I made up just for them.
My husband used to travel during the week for work and come home on weekends when my two youngest were little. So we would have slumber parties on my king size bed. I would lay in the middle with David on one side and Amy on the other and some nights I would read to them from our favorite books. Some nights they would beg me to make up a scary story to tell them.
You all know what happens when children hear scary stories right before bed, at least in theory, they will have bad dreams. I solved the problem by starting out telling them a scary story only to have it turn into a funny story where they were giggling uncontrollably by the end. (I wish I had written those down). Then at the end when they stopped laughing they always told me that wasn’t a scary story! Too bad I would have to try to make up a scarier story next time. That worked for years!
I figured I had explained the reason quite well. No,my coach wasn’t happy yet he asked Why? again! I thought about that. I want the world to be a Safe, fun and beautiful place, so in my stories for children that is the world I create. That is the world they can visit whenever they want. That’s what books are all about visiting a different place than you are. He said that is who you are Mary Jane that is why you write those stories, that is what you want to share with the world!
So now you know, that is my secret, that is why I write what I write. To a beautiful, Safe, Fun life to all of you!
admin October 26, 2016 recommended reading